Coronavirus and the Coming New World Order
Almost 2,000 years ago, the Bible prophesied that a new world order—a one-world political, economic and religious system—will exist under the rule of the Antichrist in the last days (Dan. 7:23; Rev. 13:7-8). It’s remarkable that in just the last fifty years, we have witnessed the emergence of a globalism movement that seeks to eliminate national sovereignty and replace it with a global government!
The powerful people and organizations behind this globalist movement only need one more thing to convince nations like the United States to give up national sovereignty—a major global crisis that will have the populaces of the nations, and the leaders, clamoring for solutions to their unbearable dilemma.
David Rockefeller, the financier, in a speech in 1994 to the United Nations, said,
While this crisis will ultimately be the Rapture of the Church, the globalists continue to destabilize the world and manufacture crises to advance their agenda, from the climate change “crisis” to the coronavirus pandemic...
Anyway, I think the evidence speaks for itself. For example, the horseshoe bats that are known to carry the nearly-identical viral strain live 600 miles away from Wuhan; China’s only bio-safety level four super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens, including bat coronaviruses, is only a few miles from the wet market where the coronavirus was claimed to have originated; the bat was never a food source in the city nor traded in the market; and the list goes on. See: Top 10 Reasons To Believe the Wuhan Virology Lab Caused 2019-nCoV
There are also too many “coincidences” to conclude that the coronavirus ‘escaped’ this Wuhan lab by accident. Consider the following:
1. The location and timing of the outbreak. The coronavirus outbreak began in the city of Wuhan, which just so happens to be the largest city in central China with 11 million residents, the center of the country, and a major transportation hub—just in time for the Chinese New Year, the world’s largest migration of people, and the start of the flu season!
2. The World Health Organization (WHO) and China’s cover-up. When the first clinical evidence of a deadly new virus emerged in Wuhan, probably as early as October 2019, Chinese authorities (backed by the WHO) failed to warn the public for weeks—all the while downplaying the virus’ severity, telling the world it couldn’t be transmitted from human-to-human; suppressing and changing data; allowing international flights out of Wuhan; and harassing, reprimanding, and detaining anyone who tried to warn about its spread. Now, going from one extreme to another, authorities have gone into full-blown crisis mode, even purposely inflating the number of coronavirus cases and deaths to fuel the panic and raise the alert level.
3. The Gates Foundation recently ran a coronavirus simulation. On October 18, 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum met behind closed doors to conduct a five-hour simulated exercise specific to a coronavirus pandemic just six weeks before the real outbreak!
4. Bill Gates recently predicted a Chinese pandemic. Back in 2018, Bill Gates predicted that a super-virus pandemic could soon break out in China and kill 33 million people around the world in the first six months. He also predicted five years ago in a TED talk that the next catastrophe was likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Probably a deliberate softening up for the designated epidemic.
5. Chinese scientists recently stole deadly viruses from a Canadian virology lab. On July 5, 2019, two Chinese scientists were removed from Canada’s only level-4 virology lab which also works with the world’s most deadly pathogens, including coronaviruses, after they were caught shipping viruses into China. One of the scientists was said to have made at least five trips to China between 2017-18, including one to the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan; which, by the way, is owned by none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO. I wonder if the coronavirus was stolen from the Canadian lab by these scientists?
All over the world governments are increasing surveillance of citizens using smartphone-based location tracking among various other surveillance methods, such as drones and CCTV footage, to monitor the spread of coronavirus.
The risk and danger of contracting the virus, greatly exaggerated by the elite (WHO, medical industry, governments, and the corporate media), is being used as an excuse to implement de-facto martial law—quarantines and mandated shelter-in-place orders, travel restrictions, enforced shutdowns, and many other “airtight rules and restrictions”—making people more dependent on the government than ever and, ultimately, conditioning them to accept martial law and mandatory vaccination.
2. Increased censorship and control of information on the internet (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11; 2 Timothy 3:13)
The global elite are using the excuse that spreading false information during an emergency is a bigger problem than usual to crackdown on the internet. Any information that questions or disputes the official narrative is labeled “conspiracy theory” and not reported in the mainstream media and scrubbed from Google, YouTube, Facebook, and other social networking sites. Search results for “coronavirus” are filled with bias fact checks by sites like Snopes. All this is preparing for the grand deception of the end times (2 Thes. 2:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:13).
3. Increased cashless transactions (Revelation 13:16-18)
The global elite are also using the excuse that coronavirus can spread through notes and coins to accelerate the inevitable shift toward digital payments. On March 2, the WHO advised people to use contactless payments instead of cash (see ‘Dirty banknotes may be spreading the coronavirus, WHO suggests’). And, now even more countries are exploring the possibility of developing a digital currency, with China said to be close to releasing a digital version of its currency. See: China aims to launch the world’s first official digital currency
4. Global economic collapse (Revelation 6:5-6; 13:17)
Perhaps the ultimate goal of the globalists, and the Chinese Communist Party who are playing right into their hands, is to cripple the US economy and transform the once-great US into an impoverished nation with no influence on the world stage. A powerless America serves their purposes because it will not be able to resist the movement that seeks to achieve global government, while also weakening the anti-globalist Trump’s re-election chances—coincidentally in time for the 2020 presidential election.
That’s why the globalists were quick to take such unprecedented and unwarranted measures—locking down entire countries, confining billions of people to their homes for what they proclaim could be up to 18 months and completely shutting down the economy—in order to stop the spread of a virus that, so far, is little worse than the seasonal flu!
And it’s undoubtedly working, as we witnessed the worst week in markets since the financial crisis, including the worst two-day point drop in Dow Jones history. The longer this plays out, the more likely we are to see a global recession in the coming days.
As we literally watch the new world order, spoken of nearly 2,000 years ago in Revelation 13, emerging before our very eyes, it’s hard to read the Bible and think that the writers just guessed things right. What are the chances of that?
“All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Coronavirus: A Staged Crisis
For almost two months, the official story was that the coronavirus originated in a wet market in Wuhan, China, and anyone who claimed that the virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory instead were ridiculed by the media as “conspiracy theorists”. Now, however, the mainstream media is finally starting to pick up on what many knew all along—the coronavirus did indeed originate in a Wuhan lab!Anyway, I think the evidence speaks for itself. For example, the horseshoe bats that are known to carry the nearly-identical viral strain live 600 miles away from Wuhan; China’s only bio-safety level four super laboratory that works with the world’s most deadly pathogens, including bat coronaviruses, is only a few miles from the wet market where the coronavirus was claimed to have originated; the bat was never a food source in the city nor traded in the market; and the list goes on. See: Top 10 Reasons To Believe the Wuhan Virology Lab Caused 2019-nCoV
There are also too many “coincidences” to conclude that the coronavirus ‘escaped’ this Wuhan lab by accident. Consider the following:
1. The location and timing of the outbreak. The coronavirus outbreak began in the city of Wuhan, which just so happens to be the largest city in central China with 11 million residents, the center of the country, and a major transportation hub—just in time for the Chinese New Year, the world’s largest migration of people, and the start of the flu season!
2. The World Health Organization (WHO) and China’s cover-up. When the first clinical evidence of a deadly new virus emerged in Wuhan, probably as early as October 2019, Chinese authorities (backed by the WHO) failed to warn the public for weeks—all the while downplaying the virus’ severity, telling the world it couldn’t be transmitted from human-to-human; suppressing and changing data; allowing international flights out of Wuhan; and harassing, reprimanding, and detaining anyone who tried to warn about its spread. Now, going from one extreme to another, authorities have gone into full-blown crisis mode, even purposely inflating the number of coronavirus cases and deaths to fuel the panic and raise the alert level.
3. The Gates Foundation recently ran a coronavirus simulation. On October 18, 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum met behind closed doors to conduct a five-hour simulated exercise specific to a coronavirus pandemic just six weeks before the real outbreak!
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Players at Event 201 discussing challenges and recommendations during the major pandemic exercise. Credit: Nick Klein / Center for Health Security |

5. Chinese scientists recently stole deadly viruses from a Canadian virology lab. On July 5, 2019, two Chinese scientists were removed from Canada’s only level-4 virology lab which also works with the world’s most deadly pathogens, including coronaviruses, after they were caught shipping viruses into China. One of the scientists was said to have made at least five trips to China between 2017-18, including one to the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan; which, by the way, is owned by none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO. I wonder if the coronavirus was stolen from the Canadian lab by these scientists?
6. The Gates Foundation owns the patent on a coronavirus. On June 19, 2015, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in partnership with the WHO, filed a patent for the coronavirus vaccine that was approved in 2018!
7. Gates and an alliance of organizations had planned to roll out a microchip vaccination program in 2020. On September 19, 2019, the ID2020 Alliance (spearheaded by Bill Gates) announced the plan to roll out “ID2020”, which is a program that aims to give every human on the planet a digital ID by combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips, in 2020—the same year as the coronavirus outbreak!
And the list goes on. (See here for a complete list of “coincidences” compiled by Ross Walter.)
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Patent US20170216427A1 – CORONAVIRUS |
7. Gates and an alliance of organizations had planned to roll out a microchip vaccination program in 2020. On September 19, 2019, the ID2020 Alliance (spearheaded by Bill Gates) announced the plan to roll out “ID2020”, which is a program that aims to give every human on the planet a digital ID by combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips, in 2020—the same year as the coronavirus outbreak!
And the list goes on. (See here for a complete list of “coincidences” compiled by Ross Walter.)
Globalist Agendas and Bible Prophecy
I think it’s fairly obvious that the globalists, and Bill Gates in particular, have had their hand in creating, and now manipulating, this crisis to bring about their vision of a new world order. And while people are buying into the media-driven hype and fear-mongering, a slew of agenda items on the globalist checklist are being pushed out in line with Bible prophecy:1. Increased surveillance and control of world population (Revelation 13:11-18)
The risk and danger of contracting the virus, greatly exaggerated by the elite (WHO, medical industry, governments, and the corporate media), is being used as an excuse to implement de-facto martial law—quarantines and mandated shelter-in-place orders, travel restrictions, enforced shutdowns, and many other “airtight rules and restrictions”—making people more dependent on the government than ever and, ultimately, conditioning them to accept martial law and mandatory vaccination.
2. Increased censorship and control of information on the internet (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11; 2 Timothy 3:13)
The global elite are using the excuse that spreading false information during an emergency is a bigger problem than usual to crackdown on the internet. Any information that questions or disputes the official narrative is labeled “conspiracy theory” and not reported in the mainstream media and scrubbed from Google, YouTube, Facebook, and other social networking sites. Search results for “coronavirus” are filled with bias fact checks by sites like Snopes. All this is preparing for the grand deception of the end times (2 Thes. 2:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:13).
3. Increased cashless transactions (Revelation 13:16-18)
The global elite are also using the excuse that coronavirus can spread through notes and coins to accelerate the inevitable shift toward digital payments. On March 2, the WHO advised people to use contactless payments instead of cash (see ‘Dirty banknotes may be spreading the coronavirus, WHO suggests’). And, now even more countries are exploring the possibility of developing a digital currency, with China said to be close to releasing a digital version of its currency. See: China aims to launch the world’s first official digital currency
4. Global economic collapse (Revelation 6:5-6; 13:17)
Perhaps the ultimate goal of the globalists, and the Chinese Communist Party who are playing right into their hands, is to cripple the US economy and transform the once-great US into an impoverished nation with no influence on the world stage. A powerless America serves their purposes because it will not be able to resist the movement that seeks to achieve global government, while also weakening the anti-globalist Trump’s re-election chances—coincidentally in time for the 2020 presidential election.
That’s why the globalists were quick to take such unprecedented and unwarranted measures—locking down entire countries, confining billions of people to their homes for what they proclaim could be up to 18 months and completely shutting down the economy—in order to stop the spread of a virus that, so far, is little worse than the seasonal flu!
And it’s undoubtedly working, as we witnessed the worst week in markets since the financial crisis, including the worst two-day point drop in Dow Jones history. The longer this plays out, the more likely we are to see a global recession in the coming days.
For those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: now is the time to do so—so that you can escape the coming Antichrist’s reign of terror before it’s too late. For those who do know the Lord: it’s time to lift up your head—your redemption is at hand.
UPDATE (26/08/21): The fear-mongering continues to ramp up as the mainstream media starts hyping Delta and other “deadly” emerging variants, despite the fact that viruses become less deadly as they mutate, and even using crisis actors to further push their agenda (see here). Meanwhile, the NSW Health switches to recording patients as dying ‘with’ Covid instead of ‘from’ after finally acknowledging many of Australia’s 993 casualties died from something else or had even recovered from the virus.
UPDATE (26/08/21): The fear-mongering continues to ramp up as the mainstream media starts hyping Delta and other “deadly” emerging variants, despite the fact that viruses become less deadly as they mutate, and even using crisis actors to further push their agenda (see here). Meanwhile, the NSW Health switches to recording patients as dying ‘with’ Covid instead of ‘from’ after finally acknowledging many of Australia’s 993 casualties died from something else or had even recovered from the virus.
1918 - Spanish flu outbreak
1956 - High-intensity radar installations introduced to the world
1956 - H2N2 outbreak
1968 - Van Allen radiation belt satellites introduced to the world
1968 - Hong Kong flu outbreak
1979 - 1G introduced to the world
1979 - Influenza outbreak
1991 - 2G introduced to the world
1991 - Cholera outbreak
2003 - 3G introduced to the world
2003 - SARS outbreak
2009 - 4G introduced to the world
2009 - H1N1 outbreak
2020 - 5G introduced to the world
2020 - COVID-19 outbreak
Make your own mind up...
"Why do the Nations conspire and the peoples of the earth plot in Vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together (UN?)
against the Lord and against his Anointed one.
Let us break their chains, they say, and throw of their fetters.
The one enthroned in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them.
Then he rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in his wrath, (coming time of tribulation)
I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill, (Christs return and his millennial reign).
It's as sinister as it sounds - One World, One Government, etc. "No one is saved until we're all saved" and this kind of mentions poverty in Africa - so probably a B&MGF initiative.
He's telling us he wants to 'depopulate the world' and a few months later asking us to take an injection full of nano particles to fend off a 'virus' that no doctor can isolate. The fact that he owns the patent (through owning gain-of-function patents on CoVid research) for the particles and enzyme to be used in this DNA-manipulating death-shot, that is already making people who take it sick, should raise alarm bells. The fact that this is before 5G is even turned on everywhere, which allows beam-focusing on those nano particles enabling them…
CoV-2 Patent/Money Trail: (1:22:00)