CERN and Bible Prophecy
Is this site really dedicated to physics, or is it something else?
What is CERN?
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Large Hadron Collider |
Sinister Purpose of the LHC
Without delving into technicalities, the LHC was designed to smash sub-atomic particles together at or near the speed of light to discover the original particle that initiated the universe a fraction of a second after the “Big Bang,” the so-called “God Particle.” But what exactly are the scientists at CERN hoping to accomplish by this?
Most of the articles about the LHC in the mainstream media discuss mundane scientific research goals that do not really seem to justify all of the time, effort, money, and potential danger involved. After all, why fork out billions of dollars on a dangerous experiment that has yet to make any useful discoveries, even after decades of research and experimentation, just to discover how the alleged “Big Bang” occurred?
Well, the answer may lie in the fact that the top officials at CERN actually have something else in mind—something far more sinister. What these scientists are really trying to accomplish, I believe, is to access an inter-dimensional doorway, and this is not just hinted by their iconography and occult connections (as we shall see below) but something they have suggested themselves.
It is noteworthy that the term “bottomless pit” is translated from the Greek word abussos, which literally means “shaft of the abyss,” implying that it is not simply a pit but rather a tunnel leading to the abyss. The concept of a tunnel (wormhole) leading to another dimension or a black hole is central to CERN. In fact, scientists frequently use the term “bottomless pit” to refer to a black hole!
1. The CERN logo is 3 intertwined 6s (as in 666). There is no logical reason for this 666 pattern since the tunnels in CERN’s facilities are not arranged like this.
2. CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web (WWW). Interestingly, the Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw,” which has the numerical value of 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav” or 666.
4. The machine at CERN has 8 spokes/tubes radiating from its center, which resemble the occultic Wheel of Dharma. Interestingly, CERN has named this structure “ATLAS.” In the video series “Discourses on an Alien Sky#13,” David Talbott suggests that the Cosmic Mountain associated with the Tower of Babel was also represented by Atlas in Greek mythology. According to the myth, Atlas carried the weight of the heavens on his shoulders. ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) is also the name of an experiment at CERN, which brings me to my next point...
5. The acronyms CERN has used to title many of their experiments are demonic. These acronyms include SATAN (Solar Axion Telescopic ANtenna), which later had its name changed to CAST; DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification), which was a sanctuary of the god Apollo; and HADES (High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer), which is the name of both the underworld and the god of the underworld. You can verify these and further examples on their own website here.
6. On March 14th, 2015, CERN released a strange occultic preview video titled “SYMMETRY.” The video was filmed inside CERN and appears to contain at least some occult elements, which have nothing to do with the video’s theme of finding the smallest particle. It has suggestions of rebirth, falling into an abyss or even another plane of existence or time travel, and a dance dedicated to destruction before the resurgence. This weird, occult dance is highly significant in light of the fact that the large statue of Shiva sitting outside the CERN complex is seen performing this dance. You can view the video below.
Most of the articles about the LHC in the mainstream media discuss mundane scientific research goals that do not really seem to justify all of the time, effort, money, and potential danger involved. After all, why fork out billions of dollars on a dangerous experiment that has yet to make any useful discoveries, even after decades of research and experimentation, just to discover how the alleged “Big Bang” occurred?
Well, the answer may lie in the fact that the top officials at CERN actually have something else in mind—something far more sinister. What these scientists are really trying to accomplish, I believe, is to access an inter-dimensional doorway, and this is not just hinted by their iconography and occult connections (as we shall see below) but something they have suggested themselves.
The very director of CERN, Bertolucci, said that:
“The Large Hadron Collider could open a doorway to another dimension, and out this door might come something, or we might send something through it.” (source)
As disturbing as this statement is to us Christians who believe in the existence of another spiritual dimension, this is apparently nothing new for the scientists at CERN. They believe in the existence of other parallel and alternative dimensions (physics dictates that there are at least eleven of them), and they believe that in recreating the conditions of the Big Bang, scientists can rip open the veil that separates the two. However, the scientists at CERN seem to have no real understanding of how utterly dangerous this could be...
CERN & Revelation 9
The talk of opening a doorway into another dimension where “something” might come out reminds me of Revelation 9:1-3, which reads:“To him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit...And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth...” (Rev. 9:1-3)In this passage, John tells us about a future time when Satan is given the key to the “bottomless pit” to release a horde of demonic beings resembling locusts upon the world. I wonder if this biblical event is connected with the experiments going on at CERN?
It is noteworthy that the term “bottomless pit” is translated from the Greek word abussos, which literally means “shaft of the abyss,” implying that it is not simply a pit but rather a tunnel leading to the abyss. The concept of a tunnel (wormhole) leading to another dimension or a black hole is central to CERN. In fact, scientists frequently use the term “bottomless pit” to refer to a black hole!
Another intriguing fact is that the town where CERN is located was called “Appolliacum” in Roman times, where a temple existed in honor of Apollyon the destroyer. The Romans believed that this site was a gateway to the underworld, which is significant given the association of the “bottomless pit” with the underworld. Compare this to Revelation 9:11, which states:
“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” (Rev. 9:11)This verse tells us that Apollyon is the angel of the bottomless pit and the king of the demonic “locusts” that are unleashed! Is it a coincidence that CERN is built on the town dedicated to Apollyon? Is it also a coincidence that a statue of the Hindu god Lord Shiva, the “god of Destruction,” is prominently displayed outside of CERN? (Apollyon in Greek means “Destruction.”)
CERN’s Iconography and Occult Connections
As if it was not already obvious enough concerning their intentions, consider the following:
2. CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web (WWW). Interestingly, the Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw,” which has the numerical value of 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav” or 666.
3. CERN derives its name from the horned god Cernunnos, who is associated with the underworld. As mentioned earlier, the “bottomless pit” is associated with the underworld. It is also interesting that CERN conducts its “god” harnessing experiments deep underground.
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ATLAS (8 Spokes of Witchcraft) |
5. The acronyms CERN has used to title many of their experiments are demonic. These acronyms include SATAN (Solar Axion Telescopic ANtenna), which later had its name changed to CAST; DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification), which was a sanctuary of the god Apollo; and HADES (High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer), which is the name of both the underworld and the god of the underworld. You can verify these and further examples on their own website here.
6. On March 14th, 2015, CERN released a strange occultic preview video titled “SYMMETRY.” The video was filmed inside CERN and appears to contain at least some occult elements, which have nothing to do with the video’s theme of finding the smallest particle. It has suggestions of rebirth, falling into an abyss or even another plane of existence or time travel, and a dance dedicated to destruction before the resurgence. This weird, occult dance is highly significant in light of the fact that the large statue of Shiva sitting outside the CERN complex is seen performing this dance. You can view the video below.
7. On June 1st, 2016, the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, the world’s largest railway tunnel, marked its grand opening with an extremely bizarre, deeply occultic, satanic ceremony. Of significance is the fact that it occurred near CERN, also located over the area claimed to be the entrance to the underworld, and images that were projected on a massive video screen during the ceremony suggest a connection to CERN (e.g., the multi-armed Shiva doing the cosmic dance and the Atlas coming up out of CERN). The Gotthard ceremony featured a “goat-man” resembling Baphomet, who dies, is resurrected, worshipped and crowned as “the king of the world.” In recent decades, Baphomet has become one of the key symbols used to represent Satan in the occult community. Other blatant occult references in the ceremony included the Eye of Providence, prophecy, Lucifer, fallen angels, and more. You can watch video footage of the full ceremony below.
8. On August 11th, 2016, a bizarre leaked video surfaced of a satanic ritual human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of CERN in front of the Shiva statue. The video shows several individuals (unnamed scientists at CERN) in black cloaks gathering in front of the Shiva statue, in what appears to be a re-enactment of an occult ceremony, at the end of which a woman is stabbed. Whatever the intentions behind this ritual, the result is the same: It is yet another strange, ritualistic event associated with CERN. You can view the leaked video footage of the mock sacrifice below. [NB: Video contains strong language]
9. On June 24th, 2016, peculiar “portal-shaped cloud formations” were photographed just above the LHC at CERN, coinciding with the initiation of a new “Awake” experiment by CERN scientists aimed at altering the particle collision process. Could it be possible that there was some connection between this new “Awake” experiment and these strange cloud formations? And precisely what do the researchers hope to “awaken” anyway?
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Portal-like clouds over CERN |
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Sanskrit writing inside CERN |
All of the coincidences, symbols, and patterns of occult rituals begs the question of whether the scientists at CERN may inadvertently open a door to the spiritual realm, possibly even to the bottomless pit. While we must keep in mind that Revelation 9 describes an angel holding the key to the bottomless pit, and anything beyond that is pure speculation, it is hard to ignore the disturbing occult connections related to this “scientific” facility and its weird obsession with Apollyon.
It is also interesting to note the parallels between CERN and the people of Babel in Genesis 11, especially given the consequences they faced for trying to reach the heavens (Gen. 11:9). Consider the following:
- CERN is attempting to reach into the heavens with its LHC, just as the people of Babel wanted to construct a tower to reach the heavens (Gen. 11:4).
- CERN has created the largest machine ever made, just as the people of Babel made the tallest building ever made (Gen. 11:4).
- CERN created the World Wide Web to unite people under one language, and its project is a collaboration among 22 member states, just as the people of Babel spoke the same language and were united in their ambition (Gen. 11:6).
While "the pit" (abyss) referenced in the Word is most certainly a very unpleasant place (to say the least), it is not the place of hellfire; of final and eternal punishment. Additionally, the fallen ones who are there aren't ruling anything. It's a spiritual dungeon, where the inhabitants wait bound in chains on account of their extra offenses beyond the betrayal (which may soon become very clear). Satan being the "king of hell" is, in itself, a satanic lie inspired by extra-Biblical literature.
Furthermore, the "Mandela effect" is speculative, secular silliness. There is nothing in the Word that alludes to it. In fact, the Word (which is God) assures us that such a thing is nonsense. …
Full out on the open Baphomet worshiping. Baphomet is just another word for Satan period.
Adam and Even sin lead to the Most High creating a real of fear death and destruction and Scripture refer this realm as the "arid place" where demons are being chased out and eventually come back to occupy our realm trough another person. This is the place where demons find no rest and just wonder until they find a new person to persecute. What the CERN quacks are doing is ripping apart the separation between the natural realm and the arid places. This process is unleashing upon our realm fear d…
Just because something is not in the Bible doesn't mean God didn't create it
Ok? You've had 5 years to update this. Like I'd genuinely like to know what these other things are.